Welcome to TFB Planning Solutions
I am a strategic planner and project manager with experience in the electric, telecom and IT industries. My focus is on long-term, sustainable planning, breaking down silos and catalyzing innovation.
Changing Nature of Electric Industry
A sea change is afoot, changing the industry from a load-following model to a supply-following one. Fundamental changes to the business model and baseline assumptions render traditional planning tools ineffective. Unique challenges must be faced but new opportunities are also available.
Situational Awareness
With the growing penetration of intermittent, non-dispatchable generation, grid operators need more information and more quickly. New modeling and compute strategies are required but so are improved response flexibility and speed. A dense, secure communications infrastructure will be vital to meeting these challenges.
Simply stated, resilience is about minimizing the fragility of a system. The devil, of course, is in the details. A resilient system is not free from collapse (the goal of reliability) but is able to more quickly recover from collapse. Improving resilience does not demand more investment, just smarter investment.
+1 610.246.4530